Halden Zimmermann Gave Surprising Advice and it Works for Fishing!

Who can forget their first time fishing? I suppose a better question would be, who remembers their first time fishing? For whatever reason, fishing with someone is one of the memories that sticks with us for as long as we live. When we fish for the first time, it’s good to have a teacher to teach us their experience and pass it off to us as wisdom.

I always looked up to my oldest brother to learn the things he knew, but after he would teach me the wrong way, purely just for laughs and jokes, I began to stop seeking his advice. That was right around the time when I stumbled upon Halden Zimmermann online and read about his accomplishments. I began to look up to Mr. Zimmermann for a lot of lessons on life because he always created the results I wanted and often times would teach how to get those results as he does in his book, “Guide to High Impact Blogs for Life Changing Income,” found on Amazon.

When it came to fishing, I remembered something I remembered Mr. Zimmermann saying that I read online, “Patience makes the best fisherman.” Of course, he was talking about marketing, but when I applied it to fishing, it made a lot of sense. My problem was chasing the fish. If the fish swam away from my floater, I would draw it in, scaring the fish away, then recast it, which scared more fish away. Patience was what I needed to learn. Guess what? It works! Letting the fish come to you, literal or metaphorically speaking, will yield better results than if you chase your fish.

There’s plenty of fish in the ocean. That’s the great old saying that tells us if something fails, that’s not your only opportunity. Keep fishing, be patient and don’t give up.